Inspired by Gann.
Make a regular income using the methods of
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We have a bespoke clientele who find us when they are ready .
So you are ready for the next step or looking to refine what you already do successfully.
We are traders first, trading Ganns methods, but we have a modest group of dedicated Gann followers, whom we work with very closely to develop executable and profitable trading plans based on Ganns methods.
We offer a number of education products including:
2 weekly newsletters and their past editions
Live workshops
Recordings of past workshops
Several books - with more coming
All are closely focused on Ganns methodology and trading, we also conduct semi regular workshops and from time to time private tuition.
Please take a look around our site, grab the free samples and let us assist you - maybe grab us on social and flick us a like !
What’s inside ?
Check out the shortcuts below
Jon imparts his use of GANN in the markets he trades every day, Traders tips ideas and general market commentary to keep you focussed
Supply and Demand
The past editions 1 year per volume …….
Written by Tim Walker with a focus on Ganns lessons and the Share Price Index
We have several books written by our traders .
Disectng GANNS rules and general trading rules and plan advice. Check them out here
Click below to learn more about our Workshops
Recordings of past events are available in the Shop and Online Workshops
Our probably under-utilised Blog
Keep an eye on it we post some interesting stuff from time to time