Upcoming events.
Inspired by Gann VII.
30 November - 6 December 2024
A 5 day Workshop in Thailand - 30th November to - 6 December 2024.
check in 30 November 2024 - check out 7th December 2024
It will be held at the Sukhothai Hotel in Bangkok.
This will be the final All inclusive event in this series and at the current price point. Dont miss out !
If you would like some more information CLICK HERE for the detail
If you are committed to come please click through and fill in the Application Form.
You know you want too !
If you have any questions please email us at admin@inspiredbygann.com.
We hope to see you in Bangkok for this exciting event.
If you are planning to come please Click here and register.
Workshops are offered under our Disclaimer, Indemnity & Release terms.
The disclaimer can be viewed here .
Inspired by Gann 7
Inspired by Gann 7 - 5 day live in workshop.
Our semi - annual 5 day live in Workshop will be held in Bangkok 30 Nov 2024 - 6 December 2024.
It will be the last event in this format.
7 was one of GANNS favourite numbers so it seems auspicious for this to be the final event in this series.
Click Here for details. & to resister .

THIS EVENT IS SOLD OUT - Please check back for new events
We are pleased to announce our intent to run a 5 day workshop, the 6th in the series, from 1-5 May 2023.
As there are still travel restrictions with some US, European and Asian destinations and given these things take 12 months to pull together, we have decided to do one more in Australia.
It will be the last of these 5 day formats to be done down under. So if you are in Australia or surrounds its a great opportunity
As usual we will be writing all new material and introducing some new topics.
For these things to be a success we require a minimum number of attendees.
We are taking expressions of interest now and will require deposits of to be paid by 30 June 2022 to secure the venue.
Whilst cost on these events has increased again since covid we will keep the fee the same as previous events .
More information to follow, but if you know the drill and want the jump on everyone else click through and fill in the application form or drop us a line.
More information on the event to follow.
We are looking forward to seeing you in Killcare.!!
Inspired by Gann V.
Inspired by Gann V
we will be covering:
A review of 2021
Mindset - Cant take a trade ? Why Not ?
Risk and return - How to calculate it & getting the best bang for your buck
Foundation Astrology
Time - Concepts and examples
Ganns first trade. - Beginning a campaign
Trading Support and Resistance
Angles - The Big charts
Stops and pyramiding - Thoughts on hanging in
Real Market Application of Angles Stops and Pyramiding - Is it really worth it
Trading sideways patterns
Stalking bigger moves - With out a forecast or a net !
Form Reading and Volume
Ganns Soy Bean letter
2022 - What might happen
Spaces still available drop us a line by clicking the link below.
An introduction to profitable Gann
An Introduction to Profitable Gann - over 2 days
Topics covered include:
A discussion about Gann himself
How to create a chart and read it correctly
Introduction to the mindset required for trading
System engineering
Physically charting and Paper trading the system we developed and Jon uses on a real stock
This is an outstanding opportunity to take on board new ideas or as a stand alone for the new trader.
It stands alone on its own merits, and provides a solid foundation for further study of Gann.
This is how he taught, build a solid foundation before moving forward.
Missed this event dont worry - Own the recordings and go through the material at your leisure
Inspired By Gann IV.
This inclusive 5 day Workshop covered:
- Correct mindset for developing trading plans
- How to develop and test a successful plan suited to you
- 3 Systems using Ganns mechanical rules:
1. Jons use of Gann's mechanical System and his proprietary trade management strategies.
2. Tims use of Gann’s methodology specific to the Share Price Index.
3. Jons view of intraday trading and an intraday strategy.
- Overlaying basic astrology to manage trades.
- Plan optimisation
- Ganns Grain Lesson
- Review of 2020 and looking forward
- and much more