Supply and Demand Letter
The Supply and Demand Letter was first published by WD GANN nearly 100 years ago. W.D. Gann wrote a weekly service called the Supply and Demand Letter.
Jon continues the tradition, writing daily and publishing weekly covering the trades he is taking using Ganns methodology .
Combined with anecdotal input in regard to trading generally this is a great prod iw]each week if you are a newbie or an active trader.
Jons focus is unashamedly about making money using Gann.
As he says he is not here for a haircut !
Gann Traders Almanac
The Gann Trader’s Almanac is for traders who want to become independent.
Each issue contains a section looking at a lesson of Gann’s, and how to study and interpret it.
There is advice about form reading and volume, as well as illustrations of how to trade and the application of various aspects of ‘Gann analysis’.
The objective is to give traders the tools to construct their own trading plans and to rely upon their own analysis – in other words, it aims to give the keys to financial freedom.
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Supply & Demand
Gann Traders
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What people are saying……
' I must admit... when I first started following you .. it took me a while to jump on board .....but once I did and I started to understand your teachings I felt a great deal of self achievement and I felt almost a bit "self important" that I was part of such a small group that had access to all the brilliant knowledge, old school knowledge and was amazed at how it more then plays it's part in today's "advanced world" .
I paid 11k for my share trading course only to find out at the end... the reality was it was only going to give me 10% return on average.
I paid 3k for your recordings ....I have back tested the mechanics of your work and 3 months in I've already increased my capital by 60% .
Your exit strategy is priceless. '
Frank C. 2020
‘ Last week's newsletter was really helpful re the fees / commissions etc and came at the perfect time for me.
I’ve had great results with QAN in the demo account since the workshop.
First trade in the live account last night was R1 short on beans with initial profit taken so a good start.
All in all the mechanical system is really resonating with me, I obviously still have a lot to learn but I’m pretty happy with my progress since the workshop.
The newsletter is a great reference point for me to keep sharpening my skills too,
it’s great content.’
Jacob B July 2021
We love creating successful traders.
We believe if you start right and build solid foundations you will end right.
This was Gann’s Credo .