What will 2025 bring ?
I’ve been very slack on the blogging , lots of other research and trading and preparing for this years 5 day live in workshop in Bangkok in a couple of weeks.
As part of this preparation I have completed my 2025 forecast , well I’ve had it in bag for a while, as GANN said when you know what you are doing you can do these things 10 years or more in advance - bit of a waste of time really but a neat party trick !
It’s probably worth reviewing the last few .
In 2019 I published this to our workshop group they had the cycle over a year in advance you can judge how we went
2020 cycle in red market in black
In 2020 I gave the group this forecast for 2021 an this review is from he 2021 workshop
2021 cycle in red current market in black
Again in 2021 I gave the group this little pink curve again reviews at the workshop in 2022
2022 Cycle in pink , market in black.
in 2022 I gave them the 2023 curve expecting a curve shift mid year - you cant make this stuff up it was out there a year in advance.
2023 curves I was looking for black it the actual market action
I produced this forecast in 2023 for the year 2024 that we are currently trying in , again 2 curves for this year and I made something like 14 updates to the group - not that they were needed this year was straight forward . I’m using DOW data because thats the data that goes back 100 year + but the Emini and general market has tracked very well.
2024 forecast curves , current market in black as at today.
If your still reading you can probably see what I can see, a consistent idea of whats going to happen into the new year every time, and in the hands of a practiced technician with a solid trading plan, like GANN, these things are like gold bars.
They don’t always come out bar for bar and they can flip and flop, but I think you will agree they are pretty accurate as general curves.
GANN had some interesting things to say about the next year, 2025 - it will be interesting to see if it runs out as he would have expected.
We have some other larger cycles in play as well so it’s going to be an interesting ride.
What has happened in the past will happen again, time after time this is proven to be true.
As I said I have just completed my 2025 presentation for the group in Bangkok - if you can not make the event and would like to be part of this forecast group click here, at a 50% discount it will be the best $299 you spend as you will not only get the forecast, the chart packs, and the recording of the presentation which will show you how GANN did these things - my trading calendar is also there for 2025. As appropriate I will update the forecast throughout the year as GANN did.
These things don’t only work on Indices, the Bean forecast is outstanding, again bottoming right on schedule, and Coffee looks to be right on track as well for a nice move in 2025.
Commodities are actually easier than Indices as they are weather dependant and you can forecast weather .
If you need a plan to trade it and help capitalise on the knowledge let us help - check out our letters, books, or other workshops . or drop us a line at admin@inspiredbygann.com. Where you talk to the butcher not the block !
May the GoFR be with you .
What happens when cycles appear to fail ?
I never hide from things that fail.
Im writing as Friday 16th trade has closed, and obviously we have traded past the June 5 date.
Whilst I am not expecting a major pivot here just a reaction, these things are interesting to watch.
At major pivots or turns I am very interested because I need to manage investment positions as well as day to day trades.
If you are wed to a turn like June 5 you are likely to be sorely disappointed - GANN would have, and I have, lost no money here, in fact you made money following the mechanical trading system.
In any case what happens now?
Gann provided a number of curves for his clients as do I. He would monitor them and update his view, in his supply and demand letter or by telegram or letter as the market unfolded.
The 60 year cycle has been the prominent cycle for some time but they change, and our subscribers and workshop attendees have been aware I believed the cycle would change again this year.
Why do I say this ? Because I know where we are in the bigger cycle as do they.
The question is this : Are we due for a reaction here? and Is it of any benefit to us?
In any case what would GANN do now? He would be looking, as I have been, at the next closest fit curve.
In in 2023 the next 2 most likley cycles which our workshop attendees have, have tops on 17 June and 22 June .
An interesting time. there is much happening around this period.
GANN traders will recognise these types of things: Saturn goes retrograde on the 18th, we also have a new moon , we are 168 days from the start of the year ….. the 22 is the Seasonal date. W behave one of GANNS key trading rules play
There is much more … it goes on and on.
So it would not be unreasonable, but not guaranteed, something , a reaction may happen here.
The thing is we continue to trade the mechanical system, watching the key inflection dates in the additional curves until we settle into one in particular.
You can calculate these curves years in advance if you wish. Gann tells us how to.
As a day to day trader I dont really care, as an investor im very interested when we get to the end of the cycle.
So stay alert keep your eye on the ball and stick to your plan.
May the GoFR be with you.
Forecasting UPDATE - Will the 60 year cycle hold ?
As it’s Gann’s birthday on the 6th of June, tomorrow, and 5th June 1963 was a tradable high, I thought I’d review the 60 Cycle forecast at this point in time.
The chart will say it all, and the proof will be in the pudding after the fact. But we have been following the 60 year cycle for some time now with uncanny accuracy.
This won’t go on like this, the cycle will change but right now its been a very good roadmap.
Gann told us in plain English how to do these things, and our subscribers and workshop attendees have had this information months, in fact years in advance - perhaps it’s useful perhaps not but its certainly been a great guide for those looking to take longer term positions.
My previous post looked at the October low in 2022 and the run out of there.
Recently the market has been running a few days ahead of the forecast, now it appears we have been killing time to catch up - Today is the day 5th June, lets see what happens - But a 30-45 day run into July is certainly possible here and would confirm this cycle is still alive and well..
Sometimes this things work out to the day, sometimes within a few days but the overall pattern remains intact. In the hands of a trader wth a strong system this kind of roadmap is like bars of gold in the basement.
The question is : Do you have a plan to take advantage of this information?
Please remember nothing in this blog constitutes trading advice. They are simply market observations.
For those of us with a plan we simply keep banging away, but I’m sure you will agree it’s fascinating stuff.
If you don’t have a solid plan or just want to know more about GANN and how he did this maybe we can help.
Promises of blue sky are great - Profit in the bank is better.
May the GoFR be with you.
Forecasting UPDATE - Looks like we arrived !
I posted a note on forecasting and the current Cycle a couple of months back - end of August actually, nearly 3 months in advance.
Anyway, the proof is always in the pudding and as my subscribers know I do not hide from my notes if i’m wrong !
I’m a trader, that’s what I do, and when I post something it’s done with the intent of being valuable.
It’s always disappointing when I get comments like Scam or Garbage - probably one of the reason I don’t post much to be honest, that and the fact I am busy trading!
Having said that, the underlying theme is HAVE A PLAN and I won’t back away from that statement. It took me years of struggle to realise it.
I was looking for tradable move around the 17th of November the chart says it all, once again the cycle has delivered, the plan has been executed and the rest as they say is history.
If you had a solid plan that pervious post was solid gold. Without a plan that information was useless.
I went against everything the economists and media were saying.
That’s possibly why it looked like garbage, I mean the media is always right, right ?
Why would I do that? Why would GANN do that?
If you don’t have a solid plan or just want to know more about GANN and how he did this maybe we can help.
Promises of blue sky are great - Profit in the bank is better.
May the GoFR be with you.
WAR DATES - Are they cycles?
Can they help you make additional profit ?
GANN was a master of Cycles, he believed that everything revolved around them and that everything repeated. I have done sufficient work to prove to myself that this is in fact the case.
Although they may not manifest themselves the same way, the markets will do roughly the same thing, but the visible cause, the thing you will see or the media will report will be different, they ARE NOT the underlying cause. But knowing the dates and linking the dots may be useful.
They can also help you manage your trades. Which is really what my last commentary Forecasting was about .
For example if a credit crisis in one part of the world appeared to cause the last Market crash, it may be political unrest in a different part of the world that appears to causes the next one. IN any case you will see a market crash when its cycle has run out.
One of the things GANN was big on was anniversaries, these in themselves are cycles, so I thought it was timely to write a small not to remind you of a particularly special anniversary today. I will be writing a much longer piece for the Supply and Demand subscribers necxt week, and demonstrate how these things might fit in to the bigger picture and other cycles like the real estate and economic cycles.
So to today. September 1st is 83 years since WW2 commenced - and tomorrow 2nd September marks the anniversary of the cessation of WW2 when Japan surrendered. Both important dates historically.
Why would I put them together here. Look at the dates and have a deeper think about them what do they represent mathematically - remember GANN said “Mathematics was the only true science”.
fret he dates above we can deduce WW2 ran for 6 years and 1 day.
6 years is 72 months, 72 its half of GANNS famous 144 count, which is 12 squared.
Can you see the connection?
I have written this to demonstrate how many of the things GANN appears to mention abstractly or randomly are in fact connected - you just need to look at it from a different perspective.
If you look at the Indices today, ive used the DOW chart here, you can see a clear reaction . A reversal bar. If you are interested look ay 1 September 1939 this too was a swing. The cycle I showed in the previous Blog also put in a swing within a day or so.
• We are 1/4 of a year +/- 90 calendar days from the June 1 swing .
This was an important time frame to GANN.
• The Dow retracement is currently supported at 66% of the run up from June 17.
• The low price was directly related to the current high price on the SQ 9 another of GANNS tools.
Will this be a final low in this move, probably not, but if you were in the short trade based on GANNS rules, armed with this knowledge and the fact it likes to swing early in the month, you might have tightened you stops and made a little more money, I did. If you are an intraday trader you could have been long within a few points of the low.
Further these cycles repeat in the form of conflict, applying this knowledge can have you armed and prepared for moves in your respective markets.
The trick is knowing what to look for, when, and without confusing yourself .
And more important having a tested plan to utilise the knowledge and trade it.
Knowledge is power, and it takes time to build knowledge, and more time to figure how to use it.
Promises of blue sky are great - Profit in the bank is better.
May the GoFR be with you.